Assisted Riding

Individuals that need emotional, psychological or physical support in order to ride are best suited to begin in our Assisted Riding Program. The Assisted Program incorporates a team for each rider, including an Instructor, Horse, Leader and Side Walkers. We provide the support to enable the rider to achieve their goals.

The Assisted Riding Season runs Spring, Summer and Fall with 12-14 lessons per season. Lessons are every other week in the evenings Monday through Thursday and Saturday mornings. Lessons are 1/2 hour in length, the horse is groomed and tacked for each rider prior to lesson beginning. A ramp is available for easy mounting. One on one instruction is provided for those that require that attention, otherwise small groups are formed to encourage socialization and peer support.

Rider Evaluations are required prior to joining the program.

For more detailed information about registering for lessons, lesson dates and payment options please read our Welcome Assisted Rider Letter.

The following forms are required for registration:

Please contact us with any questions. You can pay your annual Membership Fee or assisted tuition using the button below.