Sponsor a Horse Program

Sponsorship Levels

  • Friend of the Farm

    With a monthly donation of $99 or less (as little as $5 per month!), you are a Friend of the Farm!

  • Supporter

    With a monthly donation of $100 - $249, you are a Supporter of the Farm!

    For your monthly gift, you will be provided with a Shady Hollow t-shirt with “Sponsor” on the back for one person

  • Partner

    With a monthly donation of $250 - $500, you are a Partner of the Farm!

    This is a great option for companies or groups. For your monthly gift, you will be given a “Sponsor” t-shirt for up to 5 people and a Meet & Greet with the horse you wish to sponsor

  • Premier Sponsor

    With a monthly donation of $500 or more, you are considered a Premier Sponsor!

    This is also a great option for groups or companies. For your monthly gift, you will be given a “Sponsor” t-shirt for up to 10 people, a Meet & Greet with the horse you wish to sponsor, and a Portrait Session with the horse provided by our professional photographer!

How Does My Donation Help?

Every donation makes a huge difference here at Shady Hollow. Even donating what may feel like a “small amount” to you can help our horses in more ways than one! Some examples are below of how your donation can make an impact.


With just $5 per month, you will be covering most if not all of the cost of a bale of hay each month! Horses produce stomach acid continually (not as they eat, like humans) therefore it is important that they have a small amount of food in their stomach at all times to act as a buffer for all the stomach acid so they don't get ulcers.


This level of sponsorship can cover the entire cost of grain for a horse for the year. If you choose to sponsor a specific horse, you can rest easy knowing that every bite of grain they eat at their two meals a day has been provided by you!


At $10 a month over the course of a year, you will be covering the full cost of annual vaccines for a horse! Just like for other animals such as dogs and cats, vaccines are extremely important for keeping our horses safe and healthy. The vaccines that all of our horses get each year include rabies, West Nile virus, Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis, and tetanus.


This level of sponsorship can cover the cost of grain AND hay for a horse! If you choose to sponsor a specific horse, everything that goes into their belly at meal and snack time has been provided by you!


Adding up to $600 over the course of a year, there is a ton we can do with $50 per month! It can cover half of the cost of grain for the year for a horse, or it can cover hoof care for the year! Alternatively, for some horses, it can cover part of the cost of their daily medications to manage their metabolic needs or other illnesses.


This level of sponsorship is considered a “Full Sponsorship” of a horse. This amount can cover most of the cost grain, hay, medications, and hoof trimming for one of our horses.