Sponsor a Rider Program
Sponsorship Levels
Assisted Rider Sponsor
Assisted Rider Sponsor - Full Season Group - $660
“Sponsor” Shady Hollow T-Shirt
Invitation to Horse Show
Sponsor Feature at Horse ShowAssisted Rider Sponsor - Full Season Private- $840
“Sponsor” Shady Hollow T-Shirt
Invitation to the end-of-year Horse Show
Sponsor Feature at Horse Show -
Year-Round Rider Sponsor
Rider Sponsor - 1 Year - $1320
“Sponsor” Shady Hollow T-Shirt
Become a Designated Shady Hollow member
Farm tour with sponsored rider, followed by lesson observationRider Sponsor - Half Year - $660
“Sponsor” Shady Hollow T-Shirt
Farm tour with horse meet-and-greet!
How Does My Donation Help?
We never want a financial burden to prevent any individual from being able to interact with horses. Interacting with and riding horses has shown to improve confidence, reduce anxiety and depression, and build trust and empathy.
By sponsoring a rider, you will be helping a family be able to either start or continue their journey with Shady Hollow.
In Need of a Sponsorship?
Note: Until we secure adequate donations for our sponsorship program, our ability to offer sponsorships will be significantly restricted.